The Ethical Committee is the association’s guarantee body and it deals with conflicts of interest. This organ is formed by three to five people and a President. The Commitee examines and evaluates the Osservatorio’s scientific and communicative activities by verifying that the decisions on research policies and on their implementation fully adhere to the best practices of the scientific community. Besides, the Commitee estimates the communication programs and activities realized by the association (publications and press materials, interviews and articles referred to the Osservatorio’s activities, conventions and other similar events). The Committee states its opinions through advice documents.
The Ethical Committee’s action follows some common rules which are inspired by principles such as the independence of the scientific activity, the protection of the researchers’ freedom and the importance of a clear, precise and independent communication. The Ethical Committee plays its role within the competences defined by the Osservetorio’s Statute and Manifesto. The Committee expresses its opinion on the outcome of researches and communication activities. Its evaluation are general and normally consist in recommendations referred to scientific activities and educational initiatives of general interest on alcohol related issues (alcohol and health, alcohol abuse, binge drinking, drinking and driving, …) with particular regard to the expected outcome/effective outcome relationships. The Ethical Committee does not evaluate the quality of scientific researches. Its efforts are oriented to the responsible divulgation of the research and the reduction of conflicts of interest.
The Ethical Committee is designated by the association’s Directorate and it can be summoned at the instance of the Laboratorio Scientifico’s members.
“,”sa?ei???,Obidi-font-family:Calibri;mso-ansi-language:EN-US’>actively promoting responsible drinking habits towards policy makers, mass media, the alcohol industry and the whole population;
$1– promoting a social alcohology culture inspired by scientific and humanistic principles.
The bio-psycho-social alcohologic approach that characterizes the Osservatorio’s mission goes beyond the research on alcohol as substance/drug to observe the aspects of the alcohol-individuals-society relationship.
Dealing with alcoholic beverages means taking into consideration that these substances are perceived differently depending on their features and on the contexts. On the basis of this assumption, the Osservatorio aims at framing individual and collective lifestyles, as well as the consequences related to excessive consumption.