The conference is organized by the Cavour Group.
The Cavour Group is a group of scientists from different fields and different geographies who work together on scientific projects related to behavioural aspects of alcoholic beverages consumption, which is also coordinated by Osservatorio Permanente sui Giovani e l’Alcol. This group has organized an international Seminar titled “Lifestyles and Drinking Patterns in Young Adults”. The Seminar will take place on 5 March 2014, from 9:30 unti 16:30, in the European Parliament, Atiero Spinelli Building (ASP) A1E-2.
The conference will be hosted by : MEP Antigoni Papadopoulou S&D Cyprus, MEP Patrizia Toia S&D Italy and MEP Roger Helmer UKIP United Kingdon.
The conference will be chaired and moderated by prof. Enrico Tempesta, President of the Scientific Laboratory of the Osservatorio and member of Cavour Group and prof. Philippe De Witte professor at the Université Catholique Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) and member of the Cavour Group. One of the speakers will be Franca Beccaria(Eclectica, Turin) member of the Scientific Laboratory ot the Osservatorio.